How to create routines and rituals to thrive in your new job

Jan 23, 2023

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.” - Will Durant 

Building strong routines and rituals can significantly improve your productivity, happiness, and career. However, it can be challenging to keep at it and avoid falling back into the ‘old ways.’ A new job provides the perfect opportunity to start fresh and create positive routines and rituals while letting go of any negative ones. 

Let’s explore the difference between routines and rituals and how you can set yourself up to reap their benefits. 

In this article: 

Routine versus ritual. What’s the difference? 

Routines and rituals are both behaviours or actions that you perform regularly, but their purpose and significance differ. 

A routine is a series of actions or behaviours regularly followed, often to achieve a specific goal or outcome. Examples include getting up at a particular time every day or going to the gym regularly. 

On the other hand, rituals are specific habits or behaviours performed in a certain way and usually approached with a sense of purpose or significance. For example, writing one thing you’re grateful for every morning when you arrive at your desk to boost your wellbeing and sense of satisfaction before starting your work day. 

What are the benefits? 

There are several benefits to establishing routines and rituals in your life: 

  • Improved productivity. Routines can help to structure your day and create a sense of purpose and focus. By following a consistent routine, you can better manage your time and energy and be more productive in your work and other activities. 
  • Increased wellbeing and performance. Routines and rituals can provide a sense of predictability and stability, promoting feelings of security and wellbeing. For example, following a consistent bedtime routine can help you get a good night's sleep, improving your physical and mental health and overall performance at work. 
  • Feeling in control. A routine can help you feel more in control by providing a framework for managing your time and responsibilities. For example, having a morning routine that includes making the bed, showering, and preparing school lunches can help you feel more prepared and ready to tackle the day ahead. Rituals can also help you feel more in control by providing comfort, stability, and a connection to something meaningful. 

In the workplace, healthy new routines are a fast-track way to help you get on top of things and look good in your new job. Strategically set routines and rituals that can help you prioritise your time and energy for the more important stuff, reduce decision fatigue, and block out pesky distractions. 

Tips for setting up a routine 

1. Determine your goals 

Identify the specific goals or outcomes you want to achieve through your new routine. This can give it purpose and focus. For example, you might introduce a start-of-workday routine that gets your creative juices flowing straight up, and an end-of-day routine that ensures you can always finish on time and feel prepared for the next day. 

2. Make a plan 

Decide on the specific actions or behaviours you want to include in your routine, and create a plan to incorporate them into your daily or weekly schedule. 

3. Be realistic 

Don't try to change too much at once or set unrealistic goals for yourself. Start small and gradually build up to more complex or challenging routines. 

4. Be flexible 

While routines can help increase productivity and focus, it's important to be flexible and willing to make adjustments as needed. If something isn't working, be willing to change your routine. 

5. Track your progress 

Use a planner, calendar, or habit-tracking app to track your progress and stay on track with your routine. This can help you to see your progress and make any necessary adjustments. 

6. Make it a habit 

Habits are formed through repetition, so it's important to stick with your routine over time. Make it a habit by consistently following your routine every day or week (you may need to set reminders!). 

7. Celebrate your successes 

Celebrate your progress and the small wins along the way. This helps keep you motivated and on track with your routine. 

Tips for setting up rituals 

Rituals allow for a more meaningful experience and tend to be more internally motivated. By connecting you with the experience more than the task itself, rituals can increase your creativity, satisfaction, and sense of purpose

1. Make time for deep work 

Consider setting aside a specific time each day or week for distraction-free deep work, such as in the morning when you are fresh and energised. You might establish a ritual of making a cup of coffee or tea, and settling in to focus on your most brain-demanding tasks. 

2. Make time to be creative 

To make space for creativity, you might establish a ritual of dedicating a specific time each day or week to creative pursuits, such as writing, painting, or playing music. You might start your workday with a limerick to get your playful, creative juices flowing before you write any emails. Consider setting aside a specific place in your home or office (or cafe!) where you can go to be creative. 

3. Make time to move 

Establishing a ritual around movement can make it a regular part of your routine. You can walk or run at the same time each day or schedule a regular exercise class or workout session. You could also set up a ritual of taking regular breaks to stretch or light exercise throughout the day. Your ritual might then be to work through all of your body’s senses while walking in nature (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell) to generate mindfulness. 

A new job can be a great opportunity to start fresh and establish healthy routines and rituals that can set you up for success. So, embrace this chance to be a "new you" and make the most of it to flourish in your new job. 

We’re always here to help. Get in touch with your consultant if you need any guidance or advice for your new role. 

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